Friday, December 7, 2012

Twitter post

Martin Luther

On October 31 1517 wrote to his bishop, Albert of Mainz. Protesting the sale of indulgence.

In 1517 the priest and scholar Martin Luther approaches the door of the Castle Church in Wittenberg, Germany, and nails a piece of paper to it containing the 95 revolutionary opinions that would begin the Protestant Reformation.

Martin Luther translation of the Bible also helped to develop a standard version of the German language and added several principles to the art of translation. 

Luther was a promising law student until 1505, when he underwent a religious conversion after being struck by lightning, crying at the time, “Help, St. Anne, I will become a monk.” He later joined the Order of the Hermits of Saint Augustine.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Module 3

                                                         Ghiberti - Gates of Paradise


Artist - Ghiberti
Title - Gates of Paradise
Type - Scupltor 
Where - Florence , Italy
When - 1378


Lorenzo Ghiberti.
Famous for: Metalworking and sculptures.
From: Italy
Fun fact: In 1398: Lorenzo Ghiberti passed his examination and became a guild master goldsmith.
About: Adam and Eve, Jacob and Esau, and David and Goliath
Meaning: Old Testament scenes in a radically new fusion of physical action, emotional intensity and narrative complexity.
E. ???

Tuesday, November 20, 2012


One modern day example of Machiavelli is Niccolo Machiavelli is an Italian diplomat, political theorist, and a historian who has written the political book called The Prince. Machiavelli emphasized the need for realism, as opposed to idealism. He did not explain what he believes or political goals.

Love than feared or feared than love?

"Is it better to be loved than feared or feared than love?" Some people want to be both. It's difficult to unite them into one person. A lot of people don't know what love is, so they end up getting hurt or hurting someone else. Many people today fear love. Which is sad, but true.

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Choson/Joseon Korea

      Joseon Korea is an creative place. Tons of uncommon things there. Things you would not expect in America. Taejo was the founder of Joseon korea. Which lasted for approximately five centuries .It was founded following the aftermath of the overthrow of the Goryeo Dynasty os called he city of Kaesong.

Joseon has different Chinese culture. I was very interested. I saw the different height of classical Korean culture, trade, science, literature, and technology. However, the dynasty was during the late 16th and early 17th centuries, After the end of invasions from Manchuria, Joseon experienced a nearly 200-year period of peace. There's a lot of information in the brochure.

 I know the people that live here enjoy Joeson. Its so interesting, and you can never stop learning about this place. The best thing I came upon was learning about "King Sejong the Great". He did a lot for Joeson. sadly to day he died, and I could not meet him, but it would have been a honor.


Sunday, October 21, 2012

Song Dynasty (China)

Song Dynasty (China)

           Song Dynasty is so unique. I know the people that live there enjoy where they live, I was so shocked at what I saw, i never expected Song Dynasty to have all these exclusive things. In 1127 after Song Dynasty lost control of north china to Jin, everything had change. The Songs had ruled an empire rich and silk, in Jade porcelain. They printed books and sent trading ships to India and Java.

          Some of the workers at Biajing airport told me the quickest way to get around is to take the bus. So they gave me the bus route,and I found my way around. By reading the different brochures I read that the Song Of Dynasty was known for its art, and its technology. It changes China today. Which was inspired the painters of today Chinese painting. 

                       After a Thirty- Five bus ride. I finally reached my destination with a few others. Which was Song Great Wall in Kelan County, Shanix. Some of the other people that rode the bus with me were visiting the same place as I. So we all went together. My goal on this trip was to visit Emperor Taizong. He is the brother of Taizu, a ruler of a empire in China. 



Sunday, October 14, 2012

Kumbi Saleh (Koumibi Saleh)

      Kumbi Saleh (Koumibi Saleh)

           I couldn't believe my eyes Kumi Saleh is amazing city in africa. This wasnt what i expected. Ghana has the richest gold minds on the earth. Ancient Ghana derived power, and wealth from gold. In 1913 of the 17th century. People name Berbers formed a Kingdom south of Sahara desert. Ghana is one of the most thriving democracies on the continent in Ghana. Ghana became first county to gain independence.

         As a traveler I took advise from the people that actually live in Ghana to find the quickest route to the royal town. This route was taken by traders of Maghreb in North Africa in Taherta. I visited the islamic community at Kumi saleh. Which has its  own mosques, and school. Kumbi saleh is famous for the Archoeological site in the county of Mauritania. Anopther name for Kumbi Saleh is 'Island of Peace".

     I experience plenty of things, and places. The most interesting thing was the different types of golds Ghana had , and the gradual trade Ghana Empire experience. Ghana eventually was controlled by the Sonike, a group of people living in the region .


Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Syria 2012

Syria's18month conflict called for ouster for president Bashard Assad Iran is providing massive support towards Syrian. In recent weeks, military escalated air strikes and civilian arena put down and uprising that began in March 201. Activist say about 30,000 people have been killed in that time period.